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2 posts tagged with "cyberattack"

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· 8 min read
Jens Langhammer

In scenarios where security is offered as optional, there's an inherent risk. Customers, particularly those with a limited knowledge of digital security, might not fully comprehend its significance or choose to sidestep these features due to budget constraints. However, these seemingly inconsequential choices can expose users to significant risks. Without proper security measures in place, customers can become vulnerable to security breaches, putting their sensitive data at risk.

This situation raises a pressing question: how do we strike a balance in this landscape that is fair to both users and providers? Ensuring user convenience while maintaining robust security measures is complicated. If we lean too heavily towards convenience, we risk compromising on security. Conversely, an overemphasis on stringent security measures may lead to a complex and off-putting user experience.

· 9 min read
Jens Langhammer

Supply chains, whether for automotive parts or microprocessors, are complex, as we all know from recent history. Modern software, with more components than ever and automated package management, is also complex, and this complexity provides a rich environment for supply chain attacks. Supply chain attacks inject malicious code into an application via the building blocks of the application (for example, dependencies) in order to compromise the app in order to infect multiple users.